EBITDA Ignite:

Ignite gives you ACCESS TO: 

Online group session with Kirk

One-hour session to learn about the 6 secrets of selling your business, happening monthly.

Our E-Book: “6 Secrets to Selling Your Business”

Exclusive Access to Our Video Library

Early Access to New Material and Course Opportunities!

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Featured Video

Available in our Library of content

Fireside Chat

How does the seller of a $25 million business wind up with only $8 million?

Armor Up

Learn to deal with Predator Behaviors.

3 Key Takeaways

  1. Boost sale price, terms, and legacy in the capital event process.

  2. Knowledge of the tools used to increase the number and types of investors or buyers when going to market.

  3. Prevent common mistakes made by first-time sellers and transform risk management into a competitive edge.


Unlock your full potential and protect your business's future with EBITDA Ignite today.


  • The founder, Kirk Michie, has been involved in sales of small and mid-sized businesses ranging from $500k to $300mm+, including nearly $1B of deals in the past 2 years. That includes 60+ completed sales as buyer, seller, or advisor, and hundreds of purchase and sale processes in many industries. Kirk has seen sellers with a wide range of drives to exit, from burnout to retirement to funding new dreams to driving continued legacy or greater scale. He can help you get clear and find the best path forward.

  • To set you up for success when you sell. To drive a higher sale price and better terms in your deal. You’ll come away with clear plans to know what buyers value, how to lower the risk of deal killers and improve the strategy for doing your deal, whether you go to market next week or years in the future.

  • We’ll give you tools and plans to take back to your company and use right away. You’ll know where to focus, what to let go, and how to decide on timing, kinds of buyers and types of deals, along with terms, how to pick your advisors and what really matters when you exit.

  • If you own a business, whether you’re thinking about selling soon, in the future, and maybe never, come learn about your options. We’ll give you the roadmap. Equip yourself with the tools, tactics, and timing to nail these decisions the same way you’ve met each new challenge on your founder’s journey.

  • Yep! Whether you’re starting with zero knowledge of business sales, or you’ve been through many deals, you’ll find what you need for the first one or the next one. We’ve worked with skilled veterans and new entrants in the M&A process and the feedback is clear – everyone takes away key lessons and new insights.

  • Start with the Ignite program. It’s free and has something for everyone! Sign up for 60 minutes to learn the 6 Secrets to Selling Your Business.

    If you’re busy but still want to make sure that when the time is right you have all the skills and info you need at each choice point, join us for Accelerate. We meet every other week for 60-90 minutes for a deeper dive into all 12 of the key pieces of selling for the best price and terms, no matter the size or type of business you own.

  • It’s our deal experience, our reps in the M&A gym. Our founder runs an investment bank in market daily, and only works with selling founders like you. We didn’t take a course for certification – we earned our knowledge of buyer tricks, seller shields, and terms, tools, and best practices by completing dozens and dozens of deals, by chasing away bad buyers, and by setting up sellers for higher prices and better terms when they sell.

  • Ignite is free! No cost or limits. Just pick an open slot and join us soon!

  • Visit our website - EBITDA University for more information.

    Or shoot us a note - info@ebitdauniversity.com.

    Or go old school and call (424) 468-0080